New to Life Drawing
When I was a kid I modelled for a drawing workshop. I treasure some quick sketches done by the tutor Rex Turnbull. This winter I have also been gifted a sketch done by Taihape artist Raema Mickleson in that same session. I would love to work out when this was. I'm estimating early 80s.
Drawing, like yoga, is one of those practices that thrives on repetition!
Life drawing can really develop your observation drawing skills.
We are forced to capture what we see instead of what we had expected. We gain experience in seeing how the light changes over the body's form, how the shadows deepen. We become more fluent in representing the variety of perspectives from different angles.
We practice quick capture and slower more considered detail.
In capturing what we are observing we can also take new methods and new materials for a spin. We can play with contrast and intensity.
There are some groovy life drawing sessions around.
Studio on the Square, & Feilding Art Centre often offer sessions.
Have you wanted to try life drawing? For anyone who hasn't been you might like a gentle nudge!
Standard life drawing sessions appear to outsiders as a groovy club of people who know something we don't. They turn up with the stuff they need and they get on with doing the stuff that they do.
This September I am running a couple of Life Drawing sessions with a twist. The sessions will be 3 fold....
1 - Time with a clothed model. I will chat about methods and materials.
2 - Nude model time. Continuing the communications about trying new approaches
3 - Nude model time. I drop back letting the balance of our time run like a standard Life Drawing session. You will be doing the the stuff you do :)
and 2 fold....
This September I am running a couple of Life Drawing sessions with a twist. The sessions will be 3 fold....
1 - Nude model time. I will chat about methods and materials.Encouraging you to try new approaches.
2 - Nude model time. I drop back letting the balance of our time run like a standard Life Drawing session. You will be doing the the stuff you do :)
Posted: Tuesday 9 August 2022